Memory Lane

Just as I was thinking about how it took so long to get back to writing and that I should have probably started a long time back, I got to thinking if there are any more things that I would like to go back in time and maybe change or do differently. 
Also as someone who watches The Flash, I had to consider ‘the fact’ that changing any event in the past can result in a different present and a completely different future (because logic is very important in imagination…) which made this an interesting thought. 

Before I thought about what I would do differently, I wanted to know how others would react to this question and hence I got the journalist out in me and started asking this question to almost every friend I met from there onwards. The responses that I got were really interesting. 

Some of the responses were, 
“ I would have probably focused more on my exams and got better grades” 
“ I cheated while playing for my team and would like to change that” 
“ I had a huge fight with my parents and if given another chance would act differently” and so on… 
(Another friend also said that “ If possible I would not have gone to watch the Justice League movie”, but ya that was ‘his’ opinion, not mine... for sure…)
From all the responses that I received, one of the striking connection was that most of them wanted to alter something in the present or recent past. (Not sure if it was actually something to think about or just weak memory).

Then I got to thinking about what I would like to change or do differently. So I decided to revisit the past and hence started from the start, that is my childhood. 
But really, there is absolutely nothing to change from my childhood… It's probably the best time in everyone's lives, with no pressure to do anything, everything available to you ready-made at home and basically having fun was your job. So if anything had to be different, probably it's not to grow old beyond that point…

Looking beyond that phase and thinking about high school, I particularly remember that I couldn’t wait to finish school and found myself complaining about having to study so much and the pressure of getting into a good undergrad university. But honestly looking back, I can't remember what was wrong. I only have fond memories of the time and feel like it was the best time of my life. 

During my undergrad, again I thought that it was really tough and couldn’t wait to finish. But again, looking back there is nothing but amazing memories and feel like it was the best time of my life.  

Finally coming to the present, again it feels like its tough and difficult to get through. I am sure in future when I look back, I am going to have nothing but good memories just the way its been so far.

But wait, although it may seem tough now, there are plenty of moments to cherish. So instead of realizing this in the future looking back, just cut short to making memories ‘now’ and make this the best time ever... Whatever good or bad that has happened in the past is what has helped us reach this point and for no reason is it worth risking to lose anyone or anything that we have now trying to change the past (#flashpoint)


  1. Wow. Its grate to know you reveel the enjoyable moments. Yes. Nothing to worry for any reason and think positively, you will be growing better always. by Baba.

    1. Its good we keep trying harder and learning from our previous mistakes we forget to live


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